What is Japanese Incense?

Traditionally Japanese incense is typically made using sandalwood and agarwood. These trees secrete an aromatic resin, which over time turns into koboku (fragrant wood).

Like other types of incense, the Japanese version has myriad uses. It’s burned for religious ceremonies, meditation, aromatherapy, relaxation, fumigation, cleansing, perfume, or simply to provide an enjoyable fragrance, just as potpourri and essential oils are used in the West.

In the past, lighting incense in the home could aid in fumigation or be used as an insect repellant. Everyone from priests to samurai warriors would purify their minds and bodies with incense.

Incense is still believed to cleanse religious spaces as well as minds. Smells are deeply connected to the brain, especially to memories, so making a habit of burning incense while praying or meditating is an excellent way to get into the right headspace.



5 wellbeing benefits of Japanese incense

1. Soothes the mind

Incense is used all over the world as a quick antidote for stress relief, due to its ability to affect one’s state of mind almost instantly. Because of its calming properties, it is often lit to assist meditation, yoga, and other practices that require intense concentration. It goes without saying that incense has long played a major role in many religions, including Buddhism and Hinduism, which associate a calm and collected mind with good health and well-being. On the quest for spiritual growth, incense is considered a worthy companion in moments of contemplation and solitude.

2. Enhances creativity

For the same reason that incense supports relaxing activities like meditation, scents like cinnamon can help increase focus and creativity during work and study. Burning incense is a great way to tap into the “flow state,” a creative headspace where productivity peaks and ideas flow effortlessly. This “zone” is well-known to artists, athletes, musicians, writers, and other creatives.

3. Purifies the air and reduces bad odors

As long as you use high-quality incense, you can count on it to eliminate airborne bacteria, neutralize funky odors and cleanse indoor spaces. Studies have proven incense to have antimicrobial and antibacterial properties, and even assist in pest control. Many insects are naturally repelled by incense smoke, so it’s a great way to ward off pests without harming them. Of course, you should only use pure and high-grade incense for purification purposes, as low-quality incense tends to contain synthetic ingredients that can irritate our health and harm the environment.

4. Aids sleep

When used properly at nighttime, incense can serve as a natural alternative to sleeping pills. Look for incense with natural sedatives, like lavender and chamomile, that can help you drift off to sleep easier.

5. Enhances mood

Like we said, the number one reason to use incense is just to feel better! Burning incense for pure enjoyment is a benefit and reminds us to appreciate simple pleasures. Uplifting scents have the power to trigger fond memories, elevate our moods, and make us happier. So why not indulge in this healthy pastime?



Why is Japanese incense considered the best in the world?

Burning Japanese incense is respected as one of the finest incense varieties in the world. Incense quality can vary from maker to maker, but the most skilled artisans work to ensure that all variables, including the raw materials, humidity, temperature, and drying time, are all optimized to create a premium incense product. Japanese incense is traditionally made of natural ingredients and rare fragrant woods that have been used in formulas dating back centuries. These include sandalwood, agarwood, patchouli, clove, cinnamon, frankincense, and star anise, amongst other natural substances. Combinations of tree barks, resins, roots, fruits, flowers, herbs, and/or plants are blended to create aromatic material.

Not like other types of incense Japanese ones are not overpowering and has less smoke so they are perfect for even those who would normally shy away from incense.